Undergraduate Studies
undergraduate studies
发现你自己和你的未来,无论你是在校园里生活和学习还是追求 a degree online. 澳门线上真人博彩公司将提供经过验证的项目和协作社区. You’ll bring the curiosity and commitment.
在富兰克林皮尔斯,你会找到你想要的学位、项目和机会 for, and the means to achieve them. We’re 100% invested in your success.
What You Can Study
在富兰克林·皮尔斯,你可以选择传统的,面对面的体验 first-time college students or transfers. 或者,对于某些专业,你可以选择灵活的 帮助你平衡教育、工作和家庭的在线课程.
- Bachelor’s degrees: 校内文学学士(BA)或理学学士(BS)学位要求大约
而学士学位则包含了你所学领域的更多要求). Online BS and BA degrees
typically require as few as 18 months.
- 速成、直接录取或衔接课程: 这些选择可以让你以更快的时间或无缝地完成学士学位 转到富兰克林皮尔斯或其他机构的研究生院.
- Associate’s degrees: 在线副学士(AA)学位需要60个学分,通常需要12个学分 - 24 months to complete.
- Undergraduate minors: 对于在校学生来说,辅修课程可以补充你的专业——他们通常需要 15 - 18 credits.
- Undergraduate certificates: 可在校内或网上获得,证书通常需要10 - 30个学分.
See our list of all programs to browse what we offer by area of study. 或按以下学位或课程类型进行探索:
寻找传统的大学体验? 在澳门线上真人博彩公司的旗舰店选择一个面对面的课程 campus in Rindge, New Hampshire:
- Accounting-Finance: BS
- Biology: BA or BS
- Business本科(会计金融、医疗保健管理、管理、市场营销等专业) or Sports and Recreation Management)
- Communication: BA
- Criminal Justice: BA
- Digital Media Design: BA
- Education本科(小学、中学或特殊教育专业)
- Emergency Medical Services: BA
- English: BA
- Environmental Science & Policy: BS
- Environmental Science & Policy: BA
- Healthcare Administration: BS
- Health Sciences: BS
- History: BA
- Human Services: BA
- Management: BS
- Marketing: BS
- Music: BA
- Political Science: BA
- Psychology: BA
- Sports Media: BA
- Sports and Recreation Management: BS
已经在考虑读研了? 这些选择提供了一个良好的开端,很有帮助 你可以更快地完成你的校园学士学位,或者无缝地结合本科 and graduate study:
- Business商务+加速学士学位或3+1和4+1学士/硕士学位 options
- Environmental Studies:安提阿大学提供的3+2个学士/硕士衔接课程
- Environmental Science:安提阿大学提供的3+2个学士/硕士衔接课程
- MEPN/Master's Entry Program in Nursing (In Person)
- Physical Therapy: 4+2.5个物理治疗学士/博士直接入学课程或物理预科 Therapy Pathway
- Physician Assistant Studies: 4+2学士/硕士医师助理研究直接入学计划
- Pre-Medicine: Gateway program offered with St. George’s University
- Pre-Veterinary Medicine: Gateway program offered with St. George’s University
想要更大的灵活性和更短的学位时间? Choose an online bachelor’s program designed especially for working adults:
- Accounting-Finance: BS
- Business本科(会计金融、医疗行政、管理、市场营销等专业)
- Criminal Justice: BA
- Emergency Medical Services: BA or BS
- Healthcare Administration: BS
- Human Services: BA
- Integrated Studies: BS
- Management: BS
- Marketing: BS
- Nursing:注册护士到护理学学士(BSN)
- Summer & Winter Courses
寻求一个快速但受人尊敬的学位,也许是进一步学习的第一步? 在线艺术副学士可能适合你:
- Accounting
- Advertising
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Communication
- Criminal Justice
- Digital Media Design
- Education
- English
- Environmental Studies
- Finance
- Healthcare Administration
- History
- Intelligence and Security Studies
- Management
- Mathematical Modeling
- Marketing
- Music
- Nutrition
- Political Science
- Psychology (Experimental or Forensic)
- Public Health
- Public History
- Public Relations
- Self-Designed
- Sociology
- Sports Media
- Sports and Recreation Management
- Visual Arts
- Global Citizenship
- Human Services (on-campus or online)
- Paralegal Studies (online only)
- Sustainability
- Women in Leadership
Opportunities to Explore
你将在课堂之外学到一些最持久的教训. Discover other 探索、联系和展示自己能力的机会:
- Internships: 建立雇主所需要的相关的、现实世界的经验(并获得学术成就) credit along the way).
- Honors: 通过深入的课程、会议、研究,加入一个由其他高成就者组成的社区, and more.
- Clubs and organizations: 围绕文化、艺术、体育和其他兴趣联系.
- Service: 加入其他富兰克林皮尔斯学生的行列,为工作做出贡献,培养技能 and life.
- Leadership: 在学生会、宿舍生活和富兰克林的其他方面做出你的贡献 Pierce student experience.
“我在澳门线上博彩公司官网所做的研究无疑为我的实习做好了准备 在布法罗大学继续我的实验室研究生涯.”
Support When You Need It
当你鞭策自己时,你会遇到挑战,但澳门线上真人博彩公司会支持你. We can 帮助你计划,解决问题,磨练你的技能,并在你的教育的下一步 or career:
- Academic support: Our Student Success Center 强调对残疾学生的技能培养、辅导和支持.
- Library: The Frank S. DiPietro Library 提供校内和在线研究工具,个人学习和小组的空间 projects, and more.
- Career services: The 劳埃德和海伦·阿门·阿斯顿69职业中心 你是通往实习、招聘和求职资源的门户吗.
CONTACT the admissions team
(800) 437-0048
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Online Admissions
(800) 325-1090
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.